“Diversity” at NDI means:
We promote the diversity of our employees in all areas and concerns. We also believe in creating and growing a culture that empowers employees to make decisions that serve our customers.
(David Rath, President NDI Northern Digital Inc.)

To remain competitive together, we accept and take into account each other’s opinions and we treat everyone with appreciation and recognition. Inclusion is the responsibility of all of us.
In short:
We do our best every day, in every single moment.

31% share of women
in our Research & Development department
22% not of German origin
Nationalities range from Russia, Canada, Kazakhstan, Romania, USA, Bulgaria, Croatia, Lithuania, Poland, Thailand and Turkey.
Company growth
We started in 2001 with 4 employees and today we have 80 employees.

“New hurdles & reaching goals together”
Implementing diversity & inclusion, as with all change management processes, is not something that can be introduced by “plan.”
Diverse teams can greatly advance a company. There are new hurdles when people from different backgrounds work together. Ultimately, diversity can strengthen the openness and learning capabilities of corporate cultures as a whole. As a result, we achieve better results.
Or simply put: We win together!